Thursday, December 31, 2009

Methocarbamol Stays In System

Happy New Year! Lalalala

Hi everyone! Before anything I wish you all merry Christmas, Evaristo here beside me this without long your typical whiskey wishes the same thing and also delivered to her sisters. Personally
would do on such occasions or at least would try to summarize the year, trying to be as deep as possible, but after todooo this time, the only conclusion you reach is that there are good years and bad years simply , with good things and bad things in a kind of cruel and bizarre scale.
I have much cause to complain as a reason to rejoice, but such is life right? endless bittersweet facts which we must tease out the best in the worst time.
So for 2010, which begins to appear, sleeve surely something what I can hope for is just that: they can make the best of the worst moments and they can enjoy good times, well enjoyed.

also hope that this country that all of us improve and grow, this is a great desire too.
And I can not go without complaining at least one thing: The holiday YAAAAAAA fucking love !!!!!! (Is a hidden complaint)

Happy New Year and eat many Milange!
Sketches of people!
And that is a mass batman bad!

Pd: fucking the reader.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Top & Bottom Less Women Vidio


And if a thousand years ago to upgrade, never came with the thing I want to do for this blog, but do not worry! (?) Increasingly requires less to return AHAC comic style .... me, or is this is so:
bread, cartoon, cheddar cheese, bacon, egg, bread and other Mantequita,
you can add lettuce if wants and tomatoes too.
I'm hungry I'm getting something to eat, so long!

Monday, October 19, 2009

3 Year Old Normal Range For Hemoglobin

never need yaaaaaa vacation! Full

Something had to put on! long time no nothing ascended lack of time! on my behalf and to not hit me, I'll tell you something: "I have dream" and "Maikel bublee is a moron."
That's it!

Pd, for the next draw you a hellboy!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Jung Ji Hoon's Chat Servis


Aloha friends!

eh finally deigned to raise me in the blogging world after many twists and turns and more turns and fro and little free time and a spate of inimafinable hair, which my mother makes em run with scissors!.
In short as I could not do much beyond that I'll leave work just a few things I did at this time!
Enjoy! I hope the next pa complete history of mosquito!

This is for the Billiken ...

bocetitos And this one fast ....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mound Blade 1011 Serİal


A brief history of drunkenness! at this point was thinking of doing a great compilation of stories about drunk, because I get pretty lol.

continued ...

fotillo a team here first!

And finally the x-men, that I cope, I saw in live with my Mama and I wanted to draw the x-men, if that. and good, no rat from this blog.

That's everyone going to sleep, tomorrow morning! REgards

Monday, June 15, 2009

I Turned My Toilet Seat Purple

the holiday is finished!

Friends! I'm half dead! zombie-so so accents are a tale of two paginitas and a drawing for you to enjoy!, as soon as possible will return the disastrous adventures of evaristo promesaaaaaaa.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Does Honda Ridgeline Have Back Up Camera

sentenced blog!


write first to tell you to be patient! because I am a bit until cosiilas hands with some requiring most of my time. So why not let them get angry the only cartoons I could do for me, just above indications of the things I have to do! if elsewhere pro that I can not that is what I have to hand over

Well that's it, continue in tune!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Print Email Without Gmail Logo

This becomes bi!

Friends! here we are again, this time I bring them we call stinky story, well read it, I have no desire to write. Anyone know qeu course take the story? because I did not and Evaristo least that is drunk. Then an image re
winter, it costs qeu up early these days of cold, and ultimately more sketches. This release is dedicated to the same Matias, who each year invites us to his birthday and we are fed and cool. Congratulations Champion! those on the Strip!
