Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How Do You Know If A Wart Is Dying


Friends!, I finally got back ... Again as I always had problems with the speedy and I was without internet for two weeks, Gas Luckily throw me the post and saved me the potatoes.

On the other hand, these weeks were gray, many things poorly. Usually when I spend the first thing is that the world is crap and the fact of being human sucks. Basically we are to suffer. But on the other hand, if we start to split hairs, the fact that something is "bad" or "good" are labels that we put ourselves, because we tend to put labels on everything. Things happen, what matters is how we face and we can learn from it. It sounds
somehow very nice to say, however, is never easy for carry. Uin

hug for everyone.

Pd: Thanks lucia (the best girlfriend in the world), thanks friends for being there.