Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pyridium For Kidney Stones

Genesis or God's creation

the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the man and the man started naming. He named the sky and land. He named the dark and light. Then he gave names to plants, algae, fungi, animals and bacteria. Then he began to classify the rest of his kind (the lower class as the populace are fags, and we want to rule the world and stop playing with male female, even if all they will reproduce all year round, would one day when the turtles that hold the earth's crust and would not support much weight and would break the shell-note the irony-). And because everything was too good, man (homo sapiens sapiens animal, but not all so evolved), while walking through the endless forest, he thought he could create more than ever seen. And he created the Christian god.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Third Party Sick Pay Pennsylvania

two cups of coffee ...

bye Ma

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How Can You Tell If Hd Is On My Monitor?

Yes, I'll

Yes, I'll go.
Let me go! Volaré
will cross mountains.
Yes, I'll go.

Let me go!
One day I'll leave it all and I'll

authorities last

oblivion ...
Let me go!

Yes, I'll go. Forget
compadres, friends
forget, forget
boyfriends, girlfriends, lovers
and leave.

Yes, I'll go.
One day I'll go.

Soledad ...