Monday, September 27, 2010

Wella Color Vs Redken

Today I have the impression of being in love

Today I have the impression of being in love

I do not know his name, remember his face,

not even know who he is.

Today I have the impression of being in love

from him, her, the two who?

not remember their faces.

Today I have the impression of being in love

and nothing else, only love, kisses, touching her lips,

not remember those lips.

Today I have the impression of being in love

sweet ghost, wind, love, and nothing ...

Only today I have the impression of being in love.

Note: Macu, which has inspired me

Monday, September 20, 2010

2 Seat Sand Rail Blueprints

I invent a fable and, as I do not want to hurt the feelings of my readers (I'm going to hurt anyway) will change the names and verbs but not pronouns or adverbs.

Watery Cm Before Menstration

Plan What we do with our lives? Dream

What have you done with your life? Much

. He studied science, literature, art.

No. What have you done with your life? Much

. He taught science, literature, art.

But no. What have you done with your life? Much

. I have written about science, I have created literature and art.

With your life.

Nothing in particular.

What will you do with your life?

I'll live.

Coat Drive Catchy Slogan

Here comes the great sorcerer, the sorcerer of the time, a Greek god, a Roman god. It is the muse of dreams, the culprit of the pen keeps moving, an angel pagan. I'm a nobody in modern times, sometimes dreams, sometimes marvel at the sky and a platter or a pica, does the mother earth, I was born too late? Tell me, where do you want to go next? Oh, sweet dream, Angel Pagan you! Cronos, take me to the past! A great poets want to hear.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Best Printer Forinvitation Business

Eating breakfast toast without butter!

Hello! this is the first page of a short story about a small group of neighbors. I still have 3 more pages per ink je!
As always, I spend my time making those that are the backbone of future projects, as all projects need a lot of time and sometimes you fall asleep or watching TV ... bad example mio!.

This I drew at the kiosk, is a man of 70. In fact all things that I would like to do this as a story located on that date. So with shots, chases policales and pretty girls! yeah! would be great.

Well, so is everything!, We run from one side to the other and at this point you do not already know that running (or at least I do not know). we would all live better if you stop the ball a little ...
Well that's it. Greetings