Saturday, April 9, 2011

Does Anyone Have Heavy Periods

French Horn Rebellion

come from Brooklyn with new air to the music of today. David and Robert are French Horn Rebellion, a group that spent a few weeks ago by Spain to present 'The infinite music of ... '

this group really is a shot of good cheer, fun, original and everything is shown in the way of making music. Here you have a video that recorded for Hertz in Gibson.

The theme played is called ' Up All Night' and the truth is really cool. I am convinced that we will talk a lot about them and their way of spreading good vibes and fun-loving. By the way, greeting the end is priceless ... Made several attempts before ... :)

Again You can see the video of which is his first single, 'This moment ' .

If you want to know more about them, Visit Him at:

Many thanks to the people of Spain Gibson and also the Mushroom Pillow people :)


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