Friday, May 13, 2011

License Plates Ontario

Santa Maria Mother of the Church and N First Lady of Health Glorious now Procession

Our Lady of Health through the streets of his neighborhood as every year. The Perez hdad Cubillas The route to be followed by the guild will be: Rio Guadalquivir, Río Duero, Neighborhood Assoc, Nuevo Colombino Avda, Ana María Jerez Cano, José Antonio Martínez Navarro, Salao Brothers, poet José Manuel Lara, Ana Maria Jerez Cano, Angel Serradilla, Rio Duero, Rio Nervion, Rio Salado, Rio Guadaira, Rio Duero, Guadalquivir River, Rio Chanza, Plaza Juan XXIII, Júcar River, Plaza Juan XXIII, River Ebro, River Segura, Rio Bidasoa, Rio Minho, Rio Ebro, Plaza Juan XXIII, Turia River, Rio Guadalquivir and Mrs. temploLa Health will hold its output at 19:00 and is expected to collected at 23:30 h. The musical accompaniment will be provided by the Banda de Música "Our Mother of Consolation" of Huelva.

Santa Maria Mother of the Church, organized by the brotherhood of Faith The procession will be Saturday, May 14 at 20:00 pm with the following schedule: Temple, Christ of Faith, Beas, San Juan, Pastillo Joseph Farina, Nicholas Orta, Beas, Christ of Faith and Templo.Como is normal in the procession being the musical group Love Holy Christ will accompany the lady Viaplana streets.


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