Thursday, May 5, 2011

Voice Of Bounty Paper Towel Commercial

much to tell ... Sexy Sadie in Madrid

The great show of Cyan in Madrid, the biggest night in Burgos Supersubmarina , special moments that led Sexy Sadie in Madrid ...

There are a thousand things I have to talk and very little time for my little corner. I hope to update it this weekend and to have all that music has had on me the last few days ...

While make time and put all my emotions in order, as many of you know Miss Caffeina already have new single and video ' Lisbon '. You can see it HERE . But I leave you with ' N = 3 ' live in concert Radio3, because it is a special concert for them, a song even more special for me ... and because here I put what I want and that's it;)

I remind you that next Friday 13 Miss Caffeina be in the Sala Caracol (Madrid)

going to be a great concert. Sure.


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