Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Does Tricare Cover Me If Im In An Auto Accident

Friends with art. .. Jack Bird

That's what has me from Granada Álvaro ... Much art! And if not, m Irad what beautiful pictures as I did the other day ... Well, photographer, stylist ...

He took care of everything, until to teach a couple of chords with the ukulele!

Many times I have named her blog here ... And many more times than I will! Photography, fashion, art, creativity, film, music ... In Sand in My Shoes is a bit of all that for one reason or another has something special.

I advise to have it very much because you'll love it!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Driver Ct 4780 For Windows 7

always say the same ... Painting of the ratites

drawing of a chef

design cartoon characters for luck

An illustration about rain

... But although I never got to update this blog at all. And life is so good leads you to be on the run all the time, especially when you move, because I saw Mueda? I now live with lucy in the suburban town of Hurlingham. Which I love because I not only moved in with my girlfriend, but it always wanted to live in the place where mosquito to stories of shootings and stuff. Well, that was Villa Tesei and Moron, but more or less out there.
I tell you, if anyone cares what I'm, I'm doing the story I promised, but for one thing or another go slow, mostly because I run after the job search. But know that I do not forget to keep doing. These are the sketches of the page. 1 and 2

Well thats all for now I'm really thinking about the next entry so do not let it go so long heh.

Best Regards!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Toronto Where To Buy Candles

That Granada is full of great musicians and groups is no secret ... In fact I'd miss one day by and between cap and cap get into a concert hall ... Sure I get a surprise!

Jack Bird are also of Granada and his name was for months in my head, but their presence has been a little more intense in recent days and the truth is that I like because I look different to others.

May 5 will be in Madrid and June 22 in Burgos ... Those are my chances to see them live so it'll have to let them go ... :)

will also opening for Nada Surf in Granada (almost anythin!)

Here's the rest of the dates if you have a chance to see them. And you can hear HERE

April 1 - Cádiz (Lecture La Bomba, Cadiz University) 20.30 h
April 7 - Granada (Industrial Copera) 21h + NADA SURF
May 5 - Madrid (La Boca del Lobo) 21h
May 6 - Segovia (Room Backstage) 20h
May 14 - Manchester (White Night) 20h
May 28 - Barcelona (Primavera Sound 2011, Adidas Stage) 19h
June 22 - Burgos (The Hangar) 21h
June 24 - Cádiz (Sala Imagine) 21h
July 1 - Cortegana, Huelva (JamonPop 2011) 19h

Itchy Painful Tailbone

'City' is the first single

Now you can preview what will be the first single from BELGRADE on its website.
is called ' City ' n or you, but I spread good cheer to sack:)

What do you think?

on Facebook Follow them to be informed of all developments !

Friday, March 25, 2011

Deputy Travis Costume

BELGRADE "Tell you loved me is little "

How many of you listened to on your day (7 years) a thousand times 'I carry your voice '? Maybe I listened too ... And you know what happens when you hear a song everywhere, which ultimately can not always stop to give it the attention it truly deserves. And as sometimes happened to me, my mistake was not further into La Sonrisa de Julia In his lyrics, his magnetism and his music. After his album 'Different paths ' arrived ' Restart 'And later' Bipolar '... But had to get his latest album ' The man who forgot his name ' to say: How have I missed 7 years have been memorable concert?

few months ago someone caught me with the illusion of a new album from them, that little person who was not at his best precisely, the illusion soon have a new album of La Sonrisa de Julia was something that helped him pass the days a little better. And I'm not exaggerating, I saw it.

What happened when I stopped a second to listen? I fell in love again music. And this time it was for them.

What I can say ' The man who forgot his name '? Well, it has become one of my essentials for good ... But is that so have 'Bipolar' and 'Back to Start' (and certainly the day to find 'Different paths' also will be).

this week for me has been marked by La Sonrisa de Julia's visit to Hertz (very soon have the video of his visit .. .) and especially for his concert at the Joy Eslava last Wednesday (a date that could not be more marked in the calendar that special little person and I).

It's amazing how far they can get a live stream ... And I was totally wrong, I expected a quieter concert (if you ask me a few years ago, I would have imagined a concert even a little boring) and nothing beyond reality. I want to repeat now.

Live was left with two songs ' there anyone else' and 'Euphoria ' ... Seemed brutal, but also 'Euphoria' has the same ability to hook ' I can. " There comes a time you want to hear one after another after another after another ... ' Neon Lights' touched me very much, but listening to 'The moment' ... uf. Just to think I'm getting excited again.
"The buzz of the night? 'Loco ' electric. Which is pretty sound! But since this week in power have a special sense if possible.

I have to thank Pipi (that special little person) for opening my eyes several times in my sea of \u200b\u200bbands, as sometimes happened ignore things that end up becoming a mass of emotion, excitement and feeling huge.

And also to thank Raul and Frames La Sonrisa de Julia because to transmit both on stage, one must be true. And you are. " THANKS.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Zoolights Invitation Text

A couple of special acoustic

Recently I put here the new single from Virginia Labuat ... Today I put an acoustic version of 'The time is now', when he and Iñaki García ...

And they ... Ugh! It was a real luxury Zoé know and have them a little while for us greatly appreciate it because some guys are very, very big ... Enjoy it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thrush Every Month Before Period

Come to the Joy:)

Yesterday I met some amazing people: La Sonrisa de Julia .

I do not want to talk much about them today because I know that after tomorrow's concert in Madrid I want to talk much and I have much accumulated in ... :)

I can only say two things:

1) ' The man who forgot his name ' is not a normal disc. Is transparency and feeling. All should provide an opportunity for this "treasure" in the form of songs. I can hear it here and then tell me if you feel like to have it enterito buy for you or not ... ;)

2) The morning concert La Sonrisa de Julia going to be magical, exciting and unforgettable. I assure you. Yesterday I heard an item, only one issue on acoustic and rarely got excited as I have.

They and Disaster So tomorrow I hope Joy

La Sonrisa de Julia
Wednesday March 23
Chamber Joy Eslava (C / Arenal, 11)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Can You Get Shingles On Your Ankle

Anarchist lyrics Looking from the square

-Jean, told me that lately you call yourself an anarchist, but I see you brought up, why do you call yourself an anarchist "?
"I'll explain:

because I have given my seat on the bus to a tired legs older man with gray hair and skin burned by years
because I thanked when they let me go through them, tunnel cluster of people waiting in front of windows secretaries also arrogant arrogant,
because I imagine that humans are capable to understand me, too ideal,
because I said NO when the semi-dictatorship bipartisan told me YES, YOU WILL submit yourself,
I am so
I am educated,
because although I do not believe in Jesus to show you my other cheek, how vestige of goodness,
I am an atheist but I have faith in humans, this is my religion,
because homo sapiens sapiens have survived until a few millennia, were killed with first city,
I do not like the dictatorship of China, I do not like Franco,
because I've never hit anyone, they do have me glued to me,
because I have never insulted, do a lot of use of sarcasm, education through laughter, humans need healthy laugh,
, because I'm six feet of the pedestrian crossing where cars go, I'm shy, I like to wait for me, because I
torn clothes and shaved heads as they call themselves anarchists but do call me an anarchist,
because although I am a psychopath trying to be human, because you
, that you understand what you read, do not know if you are an anarchist but thank you for reading my poem,
because my grandparents were Communists and nationalist me, the great brains of the public schools took me to see the military marches and the Orthodox Church to pray in the cold breast of Jesus, now I'm an atheist anarchist
because in the festivities of the Canada City I bought a republican flag and I pulled for ten glorious seconds until we threatened to break it, yes, I had a black eye,
because then they called me shit red and began to sing songs the creature Christian
because they called me a fag, I do not understand, I only like men,
because, although I am an anarchist I have nothing to do with the CNT,
because I am your equal, why can I say about you or you for me "?,
because the faculty of philology three anarchists laughed at us, friend Do you remember?,
because we talked for hours about one hundred years of solitude and metamorphosis while drinking tea in the teahouse Lebanese
because I read the works of Nietzsche and I decided I was crazy or you've decided you was insane or have decided that it was crazy, but I like
I am the son of my mother and my mother and father have not had the best education,
because I love you,
for before the Christian era, now I do not believe anything and everything, I am a kind of deus,
because I intend to read me all the books, you many you read "?,
because I like being punctual, I hate that my clock strikes five five,
because I scolded you when trying to make a revolution, you asked me a gun, I thought you wanted to be revolutionary,
because I say that Romania is more indoctrinated by the Orthodox church that the old dictatorship, Spain is less indoctrinated, the world is indoctrinated
because I saw the light and I'm not Christian,
because a friend told me he would not live in an anarchist society but wants to live as such and be a model for the next generation of intellectuals,
because I love you and if you also live with me I want the odyssey anarchist, do you want?