Friday, March 25, 2011

Deputy Travis Costume

BELGRADE "Tell you loved me is little "

How many of you listened to on your day (7 years) a thousand times 'I carry your voice '? Maybe I listened too ... And you know what happens when you hear a song everywhere, which ultimately can not always stop to give it the attention it truly deserves. And as sometimes happened to me, my mistake was not further into La Sonrisa de Julia In his lyrics, his magnetism and his music. After his album 'Different paths ' arrived ' Restart 'And later' Bipolar '... But had to get his latest album ' The man who forgot his name ' to say: How have I missed 7 years have been memorable concert?

few months ago someone caught me with the illusion of a new album from them, that little person who was not at his best precisely, the illusion soon have a new album of La Sonrisa de Julia was something that helped him pass the days a little better. And I'm not exaggerating, I saw it.

What happened when I stopped a second to listen? I fell in love again music. And this time it was for them.

What I can say ' The man who forgot his name '? Well, it has become one of my essentials for good ... But is that so have 'Bipolar' and 'Back to Start' (and certainly the day to find 'Different paths' also will be).

this week for me has been marked by La Sonrisa de Julia's visit to Hertz (very soon have the video of his visit .. .) and especially for his concert at the Joy Eslava last Wednesday (a date that could not be more marked in the calendar that special little person and I).

It's amazing how far they can get a live stream ... And I was totally wrong, I expected a quieter concert (if you ask me a few years ago, I would have imagined a concert even a little boring) and nothing beyond reality. I want to repeat now.

Live was left with two songs ' there anyone else' and 'Euphoria ' ... Seemed brutal, but also 'Euphoria' has the same ability to hook ' I can. " There comes a time you want to hear one after another after another after another ... ' Neon Lights' touched me very much, but listening to 'The moment' ... uf. Just to think I'm getting excited again.
"The buzz of the night? 'Loco ' electric. Which is pretty sound! But since this week in power have a special sense if possible.

I have to thank Pipi (that special little person) for opening my eyes several times in my sea of \u200b\u200bbands, as sometimes happened ignore things that end up becoming a mass of emotion, excitement and feeling huge.

And also to thank Raul and Frames La Sonrisa de Julia because to transmit both on stage, one must be true. And you are. " THANKS.


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